Children's Yoga Teacher Training UK & Ireland
Celebrating 25 Years

Over 1800 People Trained In Small Groups In The Yoga Bananas® Technique
22-24 MAR 2024
Accreditation Yoga Bananas®
A note on Accreditation:
Yoga Bananas has been training teachers in children's yoga years before the registration bodies existed. Over the past 10 years I have witnessed a growing political and divisive climate between the various registration bodies (these are not governing bodies, please understand this). They do not work together to tackle the issues that yoga faces in the 21st century and there are some that exclude membership if you have been trained by a trainer who has not registered their TTC with them but who rather chose to give their money to one of the other organisations. Therefore the ability of the student and trainer is not the sole focus of the registration bodies. I am aware that it is a minefield for anyone looking to train in yoga and it will be those registration bodies who have the biggest exposure gleaned from large advertising budgets or who under the threat of revoking trainer membership demand emails and phone numbers of students from trainers to expand their mailing who will lead many to believe that their organisation is the authority.
It is understandable that people looking to train require some reassurance, and the badges offered by the registration bodies, which are distributed once the trainer has paid their subscription, may go some way to offering this. However, a training should be judged on its intellectual and practical content, on the experience and ability of the 'trainer' and on the trainer's provenance in their field. A registrar should be judged on how inclusive they are, whether they have a genuine care for the future of yoga, i.e. protecting it as a spiritual practice and whether they are motivated by profit or not.