Children's Yoga Teacher Training UK & Ireland
Celebrating 25 Years

Over 1800 People Trained In Small Groups In The Yoga Bananas® Technique
22-24 MAR 2024
Teen YB Book

'Not surprisingly, physical and emotional care are at the centre of the wonderful practice that Skips has created for teens and I now feel confident I can deliver great yoga classes for the young people I work with. Thank you for your continued inspiration, Skippy!'
Danielle Valdar
Teen Yoga Bananas

The Teen Yoga Bananas® Technique offers a practical solution to helping children
through their teenage years. The individual exercises are easy to follow and have been coherently structured.
Yoga Bananas® graduates who are already qualified
yoga teachers may purchase the Teen Yoga Bananas® manual following completion of their 3-11 course. The manual is 50,000 words.
The manual closely follow the 3-11 content but is approached in a way that appeals to adolescents. It additionally includes Empathy Exercises, Safe Stretching, Partner Sequences, Endorphin Boosting Sequences and Dynamic Flow Sequencing.
This book is for anyone living or working with adolescent children. We
stress the word ‘children’ for the simple reason that research shows
that adolescence actually lasts until the age of twenty-five (perhaps
even thirty) yet society has deemed that from the age of sixteen a
person is capable of making adult decisions and is no longer a child.
The techniques in this book are easily incorporated into adolescent
children’s timetable – at school, sports club, home, therapy session - as
part of the life education offered to them by their mentors, teachers,
parents and support groups.
Review of the Book:
Teen YB was both a wonderful review of the original Yoga Bananas course I took one year ago and a great preparation for delivering Yoga instruction to this age group. As a secondary school teacher I often wondered how Yoga could be tailored for teen learners; how not to patronise them with the fun child-like approach but also how not to deter them with the rigour of an adult class. Not surprisingly, physical and emotional care are at the centre of the wonderful practice that Skips has created for teens and I now feel confident I can deliver great yoga classes for the young people I work with. The teens we had the pleasure to lead practice for were completely delightful and I genuinely felt that we were equipping them with tools for life, both on and off the yoga mat. Thank you for your continued inspiration, Skippy! Danielle Valdar, Teen YB, 2013
Ethos Of Yoga Before Business Of Yoga
Yoga Bananas offers a comprehensive and creative system of teaching, which presemts you with an income. We conly want to train people who will support our commitment to yoga principles and who go on and respect the Yoga Bananas name - the real yogis who put the 'business' of yoga second to the 'ethos' of yoga. Please see our Terms of Use before signing up to the course and only support us because you like what you hear. We can have a great deal of fun together, embracing the energy and soul of yoga.
Terms Of Use