Children's Yoga Teacher Training UK & Ireland
Celebrating 25 Years

Over 1800 People Trained In Small Groups In The Yoga Bananas® Technique
22-24 MAR 2024
Yoga BABAnas
'Skip’s approach and yoga flows are dynamic and informative and interweaves a deep respect for a woman’s body. I feel empowered and inspired to start sharing the asanas and pranayama exercises with women who are celebrating their pregnancy.'
Jenn Hepton
Yoga BABAna's Graduate

Yoga In Pregnancy Training Manual
This Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Manual will prove invaluable to yoga teachers/trainees searching for safe yoga techniques, knowledge and understanding of this transformative and profound experience.
All material in this Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Manual is written by Skip Oliver and is experientially informed and extensively referenced. Skip is a natural birth advocate who believes that unless there is truly something physiologically preventing it, all women can have the positively memorable birth experience they hope for. It is the system that women have become to depend upon that all too often fails them, not women themselves. Knowledge is all that is needed to favourably steer the course of a woman's labour and birth. Skip's work is inspired by her own three home births, two with independent midwives and the last with renowned obstetrician and author, Michel Odent, who encouraged her dedication to challenge the received wisdom in order to benefit of society - for how we are born, affects how we live (Michel Odent).
The Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Manual offers a demystified and demedicalised approach to pregnancy, labour and birth and includes empowering and informative scripts for use in a pregnancy yoga class. It also offers all the practical advice you need on writing classes for pregnancy and the post partum phase and how to structure a class for pregnant women, with illustrations by OnelLongHum Design.
Due for publication in August 2017.