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Finding Time For You And Your Child

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Before you became a parent you may have wondered what is the true purpose of my life? The first hold of your newborn baby miraculously answered that question and you made an instant commitment to dedicate your life to your child’s health and happiness. Your child’s autonomy grew and so did the weight of your responsibility, and, as is life, so too your own challenging day-to-day experiences, which sometimes unwittingly took precedent.

Then one day you watched your child struggling to make sense of the world perhaps following a bereavement, an incident of bullying or the arrival of a new sibling. It was as if you were looking at the helpless newborn in your arms again. Your commitment to your child’s joyful path renewed its focus and you began to look for tools that would empower your child and nurture their happiness. This is perhaps how you discovered this site or somewhere close to it. Whatever way you look at it, our intention as parents is always to see our children happy.

Rumpus Routines are therapeutic exercises that I have devised to help you foster a spiritual connection with your child in short bursts throughout the day, minimising the impact of challenges that arise. It offers strategies for dealing with life’s obstacles in a creative way, aiming to inspire whilst sowing the seeds of moral discipline and contentment.

The inspiration for the exercises have come from my own experience of coping with divorce 20 years ago, whilst caring for two young children and my recognition that my children could feel the heartache and disruption in equal proportion. I have also listened to parents who have had experiences that have rocked the stability of their family life and who voiced their belief in the power of routine. But ‘routine’ does not have to be boring, it can be uproarious fun as these exercises will show you.

There are plenty of small events that occur throughout the day that temporarily undermine your child’s self-belief. These small events have the habit of becoming big issues if not addressed. And then there are the true life-changing events, the rite of passages. And in my next post we will be looking at some examples that would benefit from a Rumpus Routine.


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